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Writer's picturePrathamesh Adep

Darwin’s theory of evolution is fake

Indian Scriptures prove that the theory of evolution is incorrect.

To understand easily we need to look into two things, first creation of this earth & second origin of life on this earth. Let’s look at them one by one each.

Creation of the Earth

“Earth formed when gravity pulled swirling gas and dust in to become the third planet from the Sun.” is explained by NASA. But Indian Vedic scriptures have very well in detail explained the formation of the galaxy and the creation of the earth.

Let’s know the life of the planet Earth. The total earth’s life is 4.32 million years, which is divided into four millenniums. The first millennium is known as the Satya yuga (as of 1,728,000 years), the second treat yuga (as of 1,296,000 years), the third Dvapara yuga (as of 864,000 years), and the fourth Kali yug is of 432,000 years. And now we’re living in the last millennium, from which five thousand years have ended.

Now, let us know the earth’s evolution.

Many scientists say the earth is the formation of gases and chemicals. “ Before life began on the planet, Earth’s atmosphere was largely made up of nitrogen and carbon dioxide gases. After photosynthesizing organisms multiplied on Earth’s surface and in the oceans, much of the carbon dioxide was replaced with oxygen.” Now the reality is very specifically explained in Shrimad Bhagavatam (Indian Scripture). The entire earth has been under fire for 36,000 years and underwater, surrounded by wind & cyclones for the next 36,000 years [Shrimad Bhagavatam, Canto 3, Ch.1, Text.31]. Whatever we see on this earth is created or manifested from air, fire, water, and ether.

Origin of life on this earth

Some scientists predicted that the first living beings existed on the earth from chemical reactions (primordial soup). Now as per Charles Darwin, life came into existence on the water as a microorganism (bacteria), and eventually after many years of evolution, the human body came into existence.

Hence we are being constantly hammered in mind that our ancestors were monkeys or champagnes. But it’s false. As per Shrimad Bhagavatam, the first person who came to this earth was called Manu the son of lord Brahma. They later expand their family and human life on this earth. And these were completely developed human beings as we are today. This means that humans were the same as millions of years before (not monkeys).

And to Darwin’s theory, if humans existed from monkeys then why monkeys are still there, there should be no more monkeys on the earth, all shall be converted into humans up till now. Secondly, if life exists on the earth from certain chemical reactions, then prove it now by making such reactions and bringing life back.

Every living being has a soul. And this soul can’t be produced from such a chemical reaction. There are 84,00,000 spices all over. Hence we must understand everything we see around us is beautifully and very perfectly created by the Lord. Every planet moves as per its given orbit, why don’t these planets collide with each other, from where did this gravity come? The Answer on one; God.

End of the Earth

Many scientists predicted the end of the earth's nuclear war, asteroid attack, alien attack, gamma-ray-burst, etc. But here in the Indian scripture, Shrimad Bhagavatam very clearly mentioned the end of this planet.

After the end of the last millennium kali yug (4,32,000 years), the earth will go underwater. Every single thing on the earth will be destroyed and after 72,000 years later again the planet Earth will come into existence. This is the cycle of creation and destruction.

Hope you’ve found meaningful insights. So if you’re interested in knowing more about god’s power, mercy, and history, keep reading scriptures or stay connected with me for the next article.


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