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  • Writer's picturePrathamesh Adep

Wealth vs. Well-being: Decoding the Secrets of True Happiness

Does money, and fame bring happiness and peace in life?

Highest of the luxury of today’s richest men in world

Today, the wealthiest individuals flaunt their opulence through lavish expenditures on houses, jewelry, clothes, cars, gadgets, and more. However, many of these expensive possessions serve primarily as status symbols. In India, for instance, many iPhone users don't utilize more than 30% of the device's features. The purpose is often to convey the message, 'I have money, and I'm smart.' Surprisingly, this strategy is effective; it earns respect, and individuals with expensive possessions attract attention, like a boy with a high-end sports bike catching the eye of many people on the street.

When we try to understand why people always want a fancy lifestyle, one key reason is the desire for social status. The experience of owning or using luxury items often evokes positive emotions like joy, satisfaction, and pride. These emotional rewards create a reinforcing cycle, encouraging individuals to continue pursuing luxury as a means of achieving happiness.

Studies have shown that acquiring and using luxury items can activate the brain's reward centers. This activation releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward, which reinforces the desire for luxury experiences.

Do wealth, power, and fame bring happiness?

Let's talk about a well-known demon from ancient Indian scriptures. Many millions of years ago, there was a demon named Hiraṇyakaśipu. He did intense austerity and got a special blessing from Lord Brahma, almost making him immortal. With that blessing, he gained incredible power and wealth beyond our imagination today.

Hiraṇyakaśipu became a very powerful ruler, taking over the entire universe. This mighty demon conquered all the planets in the three worlds—upper, middle, and lower. He defeated many beings like humans, celestial musicians (Gandharvas), mighty birds (Garudas), large serpents, enlightened beings (Siddhas), divine beings (Vidyadharas), wise saints, the judge of the dead (Yamaraja), rulers of different worlds (Manus), mystical beings (Yakshas), demons (Rakshasas), ghostly creatures (Pishachas), and more. He even seized control of their homes and the power they had. For those who don’t know, there are three planets in the universe, we’re lower, bellow earth is hell planets. Many of these facts haven’t been exposed by today’s so-called scientists and astronauts.  

He began residing in heaven, with its famous Nandana garden, which is enjoyed by the demigods. He resided in the most opulent palace of Indra, the King of heaven. The palace had been directly constructed by the demigod architect Viśvakarmā and was as beautifully made as if the goddess of fortune of the entire universe resided there.

King Indra’s (The King of Heaven) residence was made of coral, the floor was bedecked with invaluable emeralds, the walls were of crystal, and the columns of vaidūrya stone. The wonderful canopies were beautifully decorated, the seats were bedecked with rubies, and the silk bedding, as white as foam, was decorated with pearls. The ladies of the palace, who were blessed with beautiful teeth and the most wonderfully beautiful faces, walked here and there in the palace, their ankle bells tinkling melodiously, and saw their own beautiful reflections in the gems.

Because of being scared of Hiranyakashipu, the Earth, which has seven parts, gave food without needing to be plowed. It was like the special cows in the heavenly world. The Earth provided lots of food, cows gave plenty of milk, and the sky was filled with amazing things, making everything look beautiful.

The various oceans of the universe supplied various kinds of gems and jewels for Hiraṇyakaśipu’s use. The spaces between the mountains turned into joyful fields for Hiranyakashipu. Because of his power, all the trees and plants started bearing lots of fruits and flowers throughout the year.

So can you imagine the wealth and power a demon who not only rules the earth but the entire universe?

Despite enjoying all types of dear sense of gratification as much as possible, Hiraṇyakaśipu was dissatisfied.  What do you think if a person is king of the entire universe, with beautiful women around, ample wealth, control over all living beings, and fame so much so that the entire universe knows him and by his fear worships him like a God?

The unhappiness lies because instead of controlling his senses he remained their servant. People who don't believe in God may make a lot of progress in making life comfortable for themselves. They can have a good life with money and enjoy relationships, but because they let their desires control them, they never feel truly satisfied. This is a problem in our modern way of living. Even though materialistic people are really good at enjoying money and relationships, society is still not happy and peaceful without being aware of God's consciousness. When it comes to enjoying material things, these people might keep trying to have more and more, but because they are slaves to their desires, they can never find real satisfaction. Hiranyakashipu's story is a clear example of how people can be unhappy even with a lot of material success.

We human beings are basically part and parcel of the supreme lord. Our fundamental behavior is to severe the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Severe to the Lord, and to serve the Lord we need to serve the Lord’s pure devotees. Our life should be devoted to serving and helping others. This will bring real and long-lasting happiness in life. Not by enjoying a fancy lifestyle or fulfilling the desires of the senses. To achieve this divine consciousness; we need to live a disciplined lifestyle as explained in Shrimad Bhagavatam.

If you want to know how to live a disciplined lifestyle as instructed in sastras, then drop me your feedback below. In my next article, I’ll explain this in detail.


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