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  • Writer's picturePrathamesh Adep

Do your best, leave the rest

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Your Right Career Based on Your God-Given Unique Essence.

Duality of the world

Before talking about your career path, we’ll first understand the duality in the world. Life is a fascinating duality. One moment, you’re on top of the world — happy, confident, and in control. And the next, you’re overwhelmed, sad, or angry. It’s a constant state of flux, regardless of how much wealth, success, or luxury you’ve acquired. Even the most comfortable life has its fair share of challenges.

Lord Krishna offers a wise perspective on this reality. He urges us to prepare for the inevitable storms that will come our way. When life is calm, we must build our strength and resilience so that we’re ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead. Like a skilled soldier, we must be in a state of perpetual preparation, always honing our skills and staying alert.

Who are you?

We are more than just our physical bodies, which are temporary vessels for our divine souls. While the mind may be impure, the soul is eternal and pure. Success, failure, happiness, and worries are all concepts of the body, separate from the soul. The mind generates desires, and the body carries them out. Just as our hands assist us in drinking water, our body is a tool for the soul’s journey through this physical realm.

But there is one important thing that controls the mind, that is intelligence. The mind goes by instinctive desires and intelligence goes by reason. So you’ve to give a divine reason for your desires.

Purify your desires

In India, parents often push their children to secure admission to top institutions like IIT or IIM, leading the child to equate this achievement with success and a life of wealth and luxury. However, true education should prioritize personal development and moral character. The ultimate goal of life lies in spiritual fulfillment, not just material gain. Purify your mind from lust, anger & greed.

Lust — Adamant desire for prohibited things

Anger — Get wild to fulfill the desires

Greed — Need more and more

Broaden your consciousness

Above you came to know about yourself, now let’s try to understand the rest of the world. Lord Krishna says “I’m the cause of all causes, I’m best of everything, and I’m the intelligence of the intelligent”. The lord’s presence is evident in every creation, as each is bestowed with a unique essence. A remarkable aspect of nature is that trees don’t consume their fruits, clouds don’t drink the water, cows freely give milk, and the sun doesn’t withhold its rays. Just as we can’t produce blood, every creation is ultimately a product of the divine.

God has created pure souls, each with a unique essence and guiding principles (Dharma). Our ultimate goal is to reach the godhead, but like nature’s other creatures, we too must share our gifts with others. As humans, our purpose is to make a difference in other lives through our unique essence, which is a gift from God.

Three steps of essence

1. Find the unique essence

Once Einstein said “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.As a cricketer, you may not be as great as Sachin Tendulkar, but by recognizing your unique, God-given essence and doing your best, you can leave the rest to God.

Just like Hanuman made his seat when none was offered to him, you too can create your platform with your unique talent. And don’t worry, you don’t need a tail like Hanuman to do so! God has given you a unique talent, so go ahead and find it. So find your Unique Potential Area, and use it to your fullest capacity.

Above you see, all human beings are good at least in one of these intelligences. You too surely might be good in one or two of this intelligence. Just find out what you love the most.

Find your unique potential and seek a job in that area. Keep improving until you become a master. When you love your work, it brings joy and fulfillment, even when it’s tiring.

2. Real use of the unique essence in life

Once you find out your love, then know how to use your essence.

The story of Jatayo is a great moral example. Despite losing his wings and failing to stop Ravana, Jatayo was still elevated to the spiritual world. This was because he put forth his best effort with honesty and selflessness, using his unique skills and talents to serve a higher purpose. We should follow Jatayo’s example and use our unique essence to the best of our abilities, without fear of failure or disappointment. Our efforts, when done with pure intention, will always be recognized and rewarded in due time.

Attitude towards your karma/work should always be in a seva/serving mood and not exploiting.

Exploit mentality & Seva (serving) mentality.

To attain success in life, we should adopt the mindset of Hanuman, who is selflessly dedicated to serving Lord Ram. Rather than focusing on our pleasures or comparing ourselves to others, we should prioritize our higher purpose and strive to fulfill it with utmost sincerity. Hanuman’s unwavering commitment to his mission is a powerful lesson in how to achieve our goals by keeping our focus on the bigger picture, rather than getting sidetracked by temporary distractions or personal desires. By emulating Hanuman’s attitude of selflessness and devotion, we can attain greater success and fulfillment in life.

3. Becoming an expert in our unique essence

Einstein said “Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master. For this reason, mastery demands all of a person.” To become a master in any field it takes ten years of constant effort.

The story of Arjuna, the great warrior, teaches us the importance of dedication and focus when it comes to achieving our goals. Arjuna practiced his archery skills every day, both during the day and at night, and he constantly strove to improve his abilities. As a result of his hard work and dedication, he was able to emerge victorious in battle, using his arrows to defeat his enemies.

Instead of comparing ourselves to others and feeling envious of their talents, we should follow the Vedic principles of self-improvement and focus on our journey. By regularly assessing our progress and striving to upgrade our skills, we can find our unique talents and perform our duties with excellence. The Vedic way of life provides a powerful roadmap for self-improvement and spiritual growth, helping us to discover our true purpose and achieve success in all aspects of our lives.

So remember


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