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  • Writer's picturePrathamesh Adep

E=mc² is wrong/right?

Many famous scientific theories have been proved wrong and Indian Vedic philosophy has again emerged as the ultimate medicine for human society.

Many of you know and have immense respect for Albert Einstein. His great innovation and contribution to modern physics changed the world and later his mind-blowing popularity in the entire world. I was also very inspired by him, but until I came to know my country’s biggest and never-ending treasure; the Indian Scriptures. That changed my entire perspective to look towards the world and the purpose of this human life.

Uncertainty exists in every particle

Very few of you might know a guy called Werner Heisenberg, who proved the Theory of relativity as incorrect or wrong and after fighting for thirty years, later he received the Nobel prize for this uncertainty principle in 1932. Uncertainty relations are a fundamental law in physics. There’s no certainty in any law of physics. This clearly means that whatever we learn in our school about quantum physics, is wrong or misguided. That’s where Vedic education comes into play, which tells you about the spirit soul and how to live a prosperous life. To a long extent, scientists have misguided us and taken away from our original thoughts.

This again gives us more logical clarity that everything is uncertain, no one can define any theory or law in this world about creation and destruction. No one could understand this law, except the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Importance of spiritual consciousness in life

Let’s take another example from quantum physics. In school, we’re being taught that an atom consists of a positively charged nucleus of protons and neutrons surrounded by a cloud of negatively charged electrons. But shockingly this theory is also proved wrong by a great quantum physics Indian scientist & spiritualist Dr. Amit Goswami in his book quantum doctor. There is nothing inside the atom, this being even proved by Annie Besant in her book Occult chemistry. Where she wrote that when she went to the Himalayas in search of spirituality and while meditating at the peak of her consciousness, she could clearly see that there is nothing inside the atom.

Modern Medical Science

A wonderful book was written by American medical scientist Candace B. Pert in her book Molecules of emotion. Where she goes beyond modern medical science. She says that

“Time has come, where if we have a headache, then rather than taking medicines, we should sit for meditation and tell our mind that our headache should go. And surely your headache will go.”

She shows how the immune system “listens” to our emotional thoughts and responds accordingly. The communication between your thoughts and your body is really important and if it is all negative, the whole system is thrown off balance.

This communication between body, thoughts, and mind can only be created through spirituality. Which I mean to say is by meditation. But many of you might think that mediation means like yogis of India. Sitting in jungles or in the Himalayas for many years. No! that’s not the case. In this fast age even sitting silently and closing your eyes for 10 minutes is very hard. You’ll get a number of thoughts in your mind in those ten minutes.

The best way to focus your senses, mind, and body in one direction, is by engaging your other senses in the same. Engage your ears, mouth, and eyes also while meditating. And such meditation is done by chanting the holy name of the lord. This will raise your level of consciousness. So the ultimate and easy meditating way is chanting.

My intention for this essay is not to challenge any community or country. This content is just to establish the ancient real ways to live life according to the scriptures.

Every point is shown with detailed proof (click on links to know more).


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