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  • Writer's picturePrathamesh Adep

Fake Love!

What is a reality & illusion? A rush behind MONEY & SEX.

Recently, I watched a web series ‘Indori Ishq’ know current school kids' lifestyles and thoughts.

It starts with a schoolboy named Kunal Marathe. He’s in love with his classmate Tara. He is the son of a strict & poor truck driver & a loving mother. Finally, he proposes to Tara, and she accepts it & here starts their school love story.

After finishing high school, for further studies, Kunal moves to Mumbai to become a ‘Navy Officer’. Here he meets his roommate Aashay Kulkarni, who is a sex maniac. Every day he sleeps with various females in front of Kunal. After a few days, Kunal comes to know that he’s been cheated by Tara. Tara is also a sex maniac.

After getting cheated, he becomes disturbed (Devdas) and starts consuming alcohol and cigarettes. In this phase, he meets a prostitute and daily they both keep drinking alcohol. But the strange thing is they both never have sex. On his friend's suggestion, to come out of the depression, he tries to have an affair and have sex with many girls.

Finally one day he gets a call from Tara, and our hero goes back to her. Again their so-called affair/love started. But suddenly one day he comes to know that Tara again cheated him by sleeping with another boy. Now throughout this period, he wasted his parent's money on drinking and sex. His poor parents used to send him money by taking loans. As a result, Kunal came to Mumbai to become a navy officer and he became a waiter in a hotel.

In the climax scene, in extreme anger and revenge mood, as he multiple times cheated, he goes to Tara and shoots her with a gun.

Now, more or less his story describes the current lifestyle of Indian youth and teenagers. Having a love affair in school with a classmate or even with a teacher is not a culture of India. It came from the West, we Indians are always inspired by them. Rather than with our great scriptures like Bhagavad Gita & Shrimad Bhagavatam.

As per research in 1971 71% of US households had a husband, wife, and children, which fall to 20% in 2020. Today 41% of all babies are born to unmarried women. About 50% of first marriages end in divorce. This is the situation of the world's richest country.

A few decades ago there used to be child marriages in India. Later many opposed it. The intention was to control the sense of desire, other than your wife all females are like mothers and sisters. Sense desire can’t be controlled, it's extremely difficult, sense could be diverted or engaged in devotional service in the lotus feet of the supreme.

The human body is received to a soul after many births and deaths (after traveling from 8.4 million species). The first aim of this human birth is to go back to Godhead. But today as the child grows his sense-desire too grows. Whatever he looks around he starts to imitate and gets more and more involved in material sense-desire.

Many big personalities and celebrities say earning money, home, and fame is a priority of life. That’s why the whole world is running behind MONEY & SEX, which is a desire that never ends. Money, fame, beauty, and sex cannot make a person happy for a long time, because these are illusions and temporary. Only engaging senses to the devotion of God will bring lifelong happiness in life.

That is why our Indian scriptures say to keep association only with pure devotees & stay close to a sacred place to worship the lord. My urge to all parents, youth, and teenage kids is to understand your real aim in life through reading Indian Scriptures & listening to it from a pure devotee.


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